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No buy year and old ladies!

 The ‘no buy’ year was probably a bit ambitious. 

I managed January, February, March, and April, but come early May I’d succumbed to a few purchases that didn’t meet my laid down criteria. However, I did take most of it back. In the past I’d think I ‘might’ use it, but it would often remain in my wardrobe until I realised that it was still there….gathering dust. I could honestly say to Mike when he asked if my dress was new “what this old thing? I’ve had it years!”

Right now I’m wearing my oldest, most unflattering clothes. The plan is to wear them out, as in wear them until they’re threadbare, ripped, stained and unusable. I’ve managed to wear out a pair of jeans which have worn at the crotch, however, I’ve managed to repair them using a darning method. As they’ve worn they actually look really cool. Soft, battered and fit like a second skin. I don’t think they’re long for this world but I actually love them more. My navy blue cords are becoming threadbare at the bum. I’m not sure they can be salvaged. My white tee’s are now grey…I couldn’t possibly wear them, so they’re now being used as cleaning cloths. Old socks are becoming dusters. I’ve now a ton of dusters! No excuse for the dust now is there? 

Ah well, I did manage to snaffle a bed jacket which is lovely and warm now the heating is off. I have memories of my grandma wandering around the house wearing her bed jacket over her clothes. I’m probably the same age as she was when she wore hers, so maybe it’s an age thing. Which brings me onto my next point. 

When do women start looking like their grannies? How does it happen? Do we lose interest in fashion? Do we stop looking in our mirrors? Or is it comfort? Or is it finance? 

I suppose it’s no coincidence that when we reach our mid to late 60’s our finances take a nose dive. If we’re drawing our pensions there’s very little left in the pot for those little luxuries that we took for granted when we were gainfully employed. No longer are we able to pop into the local boutique and spend  ££££’s on items we ‘might” wear and leave them hanging in the wardrobe waiting for for that event that no longer exists for us. Maybe it’s comfort. 

First you go for the elasticated waist…just for ease of whipping them down when you need the loo rather rapidly. Who needs zips and buttons when they were a bugger to do up in the first place! Or maybe it’s the type of fabric that washes well….and doesn’t need ironing or gather copious amounts of dog hair. Then it’s the shoes. Heels? Sod them! I can’t walk in them without looking like the leaning tower of Pisa and the fear of breaking my ankle! Then it’s the tops and t-shirts. The jeans are now so tight that the muffin top shows through making me look like a sausage tied tightly in the middle, so on goes a cardigan or a loose jacket and in a nano second I’m looking like my grandma…all because of comfort. 

My body shape has changed so all of those clothes that I loved 20 years ago (yes, I still have them) no longer look the same. My life has also changed. No longer am I whisked out to dinner. No longer can I plan for the next event. There aren’t any, anymore. I’m ok with how my life has changed. Mike would be sad, but he’d understand. Mind you, he wouldn’t be happy about the lack of make up. 

I’m currently looking through my wardrobe at all the clothes that still have their labels attached. They no longer fit in with my lifestyle. Most of them no longer fit! Some have just been purchased to look at. I love beautiful clothes and will often take out a garment and dream of the places I could wear it.

Mostly, my lifestyle is either in the garden or out with the dogs. The youngster is a bit feisty so the most hard wearing, non rippable, weather proof clothing I can find is the way to go. So today it’s combats, walking boots, t shirt and a hoody! I might even practice wearing a red lip!

 Perfect wear for all my needs!


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