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Showing posts with the label influencers

Instagram, Influencers and my Bank Balance!!

 Instagram, Influencers and my Bank Balance For a minute I thought my blogging account had been stolen! It's been so long since I felt the urge to put pen to paper (or computer) that I'd forgotten the gmail account that I'd used for the blog, which was once the love of my life but it now seems that everyone has moved on to "Insta" and YouTube and I've let it fall my little blog fall behind the times. I've watched a few IGTV'ers, even followed a few...but I've been truly left behind in the social stream of the internet world.   Is mummy blogging out of vogue or has everyone my age moved onto pastures new?   The truth is my kids aren't kids anymore, so I'm not strictly a 'mummyblogger'.  (I probably never was as I was and am a wee bit older than the usual suspects.)  The kids are now on the cusp of adulthood with lives of their own; Instagram accounts of their own and ideas which seem completely alien to me. I can't seem to influe