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Order! Order!

I feel like I'm riding against the waves. The harder I push the further I fall behind and it's an awful long way to get past the foaming peaks...and my arms hurt!  Everything needs doing but my priority is to sit down, smoke a fag, and look out of the window at the blue it any wonder I'm being pushed closer to the shoreline? This morning I've been trying to sort out my google reader.  I have a zillion blogs to read and I'm trying to get them in some order.  The first few I've looked at haven't posted since 2009.  Do I un-subscribe or do I keep those little gems in my little gems folder? I know google reader is so passe but I reluctant to change, and anyway I have no idea what to replace it with or how to do it!  I'm loath to do anything that means I have to think and when I do...brain freeze! I really don't want to offend anyone. Considering I don't know any of them personally, it's all getting a little bit too deep for my liking

Beauty on a Budget - Home made bath preparations

I've had quite a few messages asking for more of my home-made preparations....who'd've thunk it! Apparently they're getting more hits than my titillating tales of the yuckymum homestead! Funny thing though, just as I was flicking through my books, out dropped a picture of Simon le Bon!  I did have a penchant for him for a while, but I had no idea I tore out paper cuttings of him. I'm pleased to say I outgrew him! Home-made Bath Preparations Grain Bath -  for rough skin 1/2 cup barley 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup bran 3/4 litre of water Soak the grains for approx one hour, then simmer for 1 hour, Strain.   Use approx 2 cups for each bath. Mint Bath - to refresh 1 cup of pine needles (you can pick these up on your walks) 1 cup of peppermint leaves 2 drops of rosemary oil. Mix the dry ingredients. Add the oil and stir well.  Put into cheesecloth bags (or even a tied jay-cloth) and let it bob around in the water.  This should last for a few baths. Let me know how you

What about PMS or T - just don't f*@#ing ask!!

OK, so I haven't been around for a bit....sorry!   I've been uber busy organising life, and my little corner of me has suffered.  I've been lax and lazy. How I've missed my space! When stuff gets tough I tend to batten down the hatches and do a disappearing act.  I'm constantly berated for my lack of visibility (by my family), but it's the way I do it. I'm lucky, though. I don't suffer from depression. I don't suffer from that overwhelming sense of despair, and I don't have the feeling  of continual impending doom.  I suffer from anger.I suffer from irritation. And I suffer from compassion fatigue...and for a short time every month I become irrational. I cry. I'm angry and I blame the world, BH and the kids. A simple question or request becomes the most arduous of tasks.  I moan and groan about it and everyone wonders...for a short time...whether I'm completely bonkers. In short, I suffer from PMS or PMT or what ever the fcuk it'

Mummy Porn??!!!

Mummy porn or Fifty Shades of Shite?  It's never going to win the Pulitzer Prize (nor am I!), nor is a great work of literary fiction but it's the fastest selling book...ever!  Beyond Harry Potter and the DaVinci code this book has got our nation of women chattering, reading and debating. Fifty Shades of Grey has taken the nation by storm. Hmmmm...are we repressed or do we just like crap books?  To be honest I can't understand what the fuss is all about.  I know I'm going to get a slating here but after reading the first few chapters I've put it down and can't be bothered to pick it up again. Sam Brick ("godI'msobeautifuleveryonehatesme") is at it again but this time I kind of agree with her.   "Giving it this name of mummy porn, using this kind of safe, middle-class word, makes women think it's okay to read it." Read more:

Fashion Friday - What to wear?

I've been looking through magazines for guidance on what to wear this summer.  It's all brights and colours, which is a bit annoying as I only do black (or grey at a push!). It seems like the 90's  80's and the 50's are back!! What?  Do we take our pick? Can we mix and match?  Some of the advice was to use what you already have with one stating we should "wear your cardigan backwards, or wear your coat as a cape!  A good idea, I thought but when I tried it this morning on my jaunt with the dogs, the Caped Coat not only made me look like Superman, it also made me look as if I had no arms, it slipped off my shoulders and fell in the mud!  Just how practical is this advice, when you're hacking through the undergrowth with two bounding mutts or  with a trolley full of Cheerio's , toilet rolls and three rugruts screaming for sweets? One useful tip was to "Revamp Old Faves".  I could certainly pull out my mothers old stuff, but I'm not sure he

Flying with the kids

Image: Vlado / I do a fair amount of flying, and  having travelled over the holidays and watched parents struggle with their children in confined spaces think it's about time I offered some of my expertise and experience. It's worse than hard for's a nightmare!!  On many of the flights I do, parents cope admirably, but here are a few tips I can offer that would make your journey all the sweeter and help you enjoy your journey. Travel light.   It's all very well being laden like a pack horse, but do your self a light! Take a light weight pushchair. The cheap telescopic ones can be pushed right up to the aircraft door. The larger your pram the less likely it will be loaded into the cabin. If your child is awake on disembarking, you can use the pushchair as a luggage cart, and if they're asleep...well, you have your pushchair. Bulkhead Seats. Very often when you're travelling with an infant, under 2 years you

Silent Sunday